First: Thank you Fully for keeping this board a “free speech zone” and for providing such great COVID information. Best place on the net to stay informed!

I admit, I was so mad at Trump for not using the Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc combo. I thought he really missed his chance to show the world there’s a cure and help end the ‘Rona madness….

BUT… wait….. even if HCQ cured Trump instantly would it have changed the minds of the Left? Would it have made any difference? I don’t think so… The left would have their excuses and reasons why it shouldn’t still be used. “Trump got lucky his heart didn’t explode!”.

Both sides are too entrenched on HCQ. Not changing minds on that one.

On the other hand… using a different drug or antibody combo and having it work makes a world of difference.

When Trump marches out like Super Trump Monday morning, completely cured, after talks of him almost dying the world will say:
“THERE ARE THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS. We don’t have to worry so much about the ‘Rona. Let’s let life get back to normal!”

Trump is the biggest advertisement ever for the therapeutic options billboard…

The left were never going to use HCQ. Everyone on the right was going to try it. Now everyone on the left can try some therapeutic and everyone on the right can too. Doctors will be asked to give SOME therapeutic and patients will DEMAND SOMETHING.

Trump was smart to not use HCQ. It was a no win situation with that. If he used it and healed he wouldn’t change minds. If he used it and got sicker everyone would say, “told you so!”

Now everyone can use some therapeutic and deaths may start to drop to nothing… pray for this!

This could be the beginning of the end of the ‘Rona Madness…