Good Night
I think we have firmly established that there is NO Pandemic and It is all a Deadly Hoax.
A Scam of Unfathomable Proportions . A Crime Against Humanity . Fraud on a massive scale.
Now the question is what are we collectively and individually going to do to end this madness ?
Look on the sidebar ….so full of wonderful research and studies by brilliant doctors and highly credible scientists and researchers
But…We have our work cut out for us.
THEY control the narrative
THEY control 95% of the media outlets
THEY control US via their unelected public health goon covidiots and comaniacs.
All we can do is spread the word.
Once you KNOW …you cannot Unknow !
Shine a light …the alternative is too grim to contemplate.
Every fire starts with a spark. Be the spark in YOUR social circle .
Be gentle but firm in your conviction.
Our best resource apart from the plethora of links on the sidebar here at Goldtent is THIS Book
Soon to be released . “CORONA FALSE ALARM.”
One thing I know…Knowing that this is all a scam has helped me personally to live a much happier life without the fear that 99.9% of the planet is experiencing now. I hope we are helping many of you to feel the same.
Pass it on.
For those interested in the topic of vaccines and medical tyranny, along with the books Fully called out in his post, these two books referenced below are also real eye openers.
Plague of Corruption
Good-Bye Germ Theory
This is the last paragraph of the introduction of Goodbye Germ Theory, written in the year 2000, the voices in the know have been warning about this for over 20 years! crazy. Hopefully the message won’t fall upon deaf ears this time.
“The time has come for serious action if you want to protect yourself and your family. You must learn all the facts about what is really going on out there. You must now become a voice; and as loud a voice as you possibly can. A revolution against the medical profession and cartel, who have become their own form of government, more powerful than you may imagine, is well overdue. I ask you to join this cause here and now, with the heart of a lion and the faith of a child. Winston Churchill once said that it is far better to choose to fight when there is a slim chance of winning, then to have to fight when there is no chance at all. We are at that time of critical choice. Choose wisely. Your family’s future very much depends on it” – Dr. William Palaski-Trebing 29 September 2000
Welcome to the tent Big E
and thanks for these links
will get into them later
Fully, didn’t you say that you had Covid19 months before the larger outbreaks? I had thought you said it was brutal and lasted a long time.
Whatever I had and many dozens had in this area and thruought the world ( including Wuhan in January and February) may have been due to some strain of a Flu like illness….which was seized upon by the PTB and turned into a pandemic .
The point is there has never been a new corona virus isolated and no proof it exists.
None of the Virus “Testing” can possibly claim to actually test for a virus….
There are no symptoms of this that can not be attributed to the flu….and or “flu like illnesses”
IF there is a new virus corona or otherwise…it has not infected nor killed nearly as many as stated and thus was not ever a pandemic .
The profile of who was susceptable and who succumbed was the same as a bad flu season…see all the links under What Pandemic ?
I assumed we all had corona virus back in October and lasting on and off for 3 to 4 months…that is before we did all this research..
H1N1 was the main flu virus circulating over the latter half of flu season this past year. I think that’s what I got in January and my wife also. My wife couldn’t eat for 4 days she was so sick. When I went to the dentist in Feb, the hygienist said it went through the office and half the staff were sick for a period of a couple weeks. H1N1 was the last pandemic flu and had its first outbreak in 2009. It’s one of the more severe flu strains. However… it had a much lower mortality rate than expected among the old because anyone older than 60 in 2009 had been exposed to another H1N1 flu variety in the late 50s, the Asian Flu. Covid fits perfectly into these seasonal flu events. The first outbreak is the most severe, but within the mortality range of other outbreak, and then it reappears periodically in smaller outbreaks all over the world in annual flu season like TV shows in summer reruns. Apparently one of my nephews had Covid and it “was really awful” they said. It could well have been H1N1 also. Who knows? And really, it doesn’t matter because they’re all more or less the same kind of thing.
I suggest sticking to four points which show Covid-19 behaves just like seasonal flu.
1) The mortality rate for Covid-19 is 25/100,000 people and last year’s seasonal flu was 23, according the Government of Canada stats
2) Covid-19 kills the old and the sick in the same proportion and amount as seasonal flu, according to Gov of Canada stats
3) Covid-19 is a milder illness than seasonal flu, more like a cold.
4) The continued spread will reduce future outbreaks and minimize them by immunizing everyone who gets it naturally, just like flu season does every year. This is how all pandemics in the past have ended and why.
If you still have an audience… mention that they were never successful in making a vaccine for the first Sars virus after several years of research and Covid-19 is called Sars2 in the medical journals and is (apparently) 75% the same as the first.