Anybody see this graph on CNN or MSNBC or CBS or any MSM news outlet ..Radio , News Papers , Google ?

Anywhere ? Gotta keep the Masked Sheep dumb and scared !!!

Good news is so boring…baaahh

How about this one ? Remember how the media were freaking out …capacity is overwhelmed…

More Good news

So far this year 37 Million have died worldwide ( that’s the total population of Canada and it’s only August)…extrapolating to the full year there will be 60,000,000 deaths worldwide in 2020

No that’s not the good news .

The Good news is there have been 766 Thousand deaths “with covid” ..not necessarily from covid…but lets say they all are from covid…presently there are 6000 deaths daily from covid

So there will be 80,000 more by the end of the year ..850,000 out of 60,000,000

Deduct all the bullshit deaths like they are reporting in UK and… That’s ~1% of all deaths this year will be “with covid”

So there never was never is and never will be a Pandemic with covid IMHO.

There were a few relatively small pockets of local “Epidemics” in the world almost exclusively in nursing homes, unfortunately, which lasted a couple of months but for most of the world there was not a “Pandemic”
Exclude these pockets and you have a flu like illness .

Pass it On.