Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer is right around the corner. Millions of holidays/vacations have been cancelled over the last 2-3 months, including the lucrative Easter period and now the ‘half-term’ school holidays in June. Next up is the Summer season itself.

Borders remain closed. Even if they open, I don’t think we can expect very many people to be taking overseas holidays in Europe. How do you fancy a ‘socially-distanced hotel ? How do you like the idea of standing in a line 2 metres apart to get food/drink at a bar/restaurant ? Then you have to find a table that allows you to get sat down then get up again, without getting within 2 metres of anyone else. How do like the idea of sitting around a pool trying to stay 2 metres apart from everyone else, and wear a mask in 90 degree heat ? We haven’t even mentioned the difficulty of socially distancing at an airport, or in an aeroplane.

Time is running out fast to find a solution. Without one, the entire European Economy will collapse this year. Tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions will be without work. Life after the lockdown could be a lot worse than the situation we find ourselves in now. We need to hope the virus recedes rapidly and all such restrictions can be dropped entirely. Anything less than that will deter people from spending their money on what will be a very strange holiday experience. It could be game over for pretty much the entire hospitality/travel sector.