Going Down another Rabbit Hole :

Joke: Whats a rabbit hole >?

It’s a hole in the ground with no bottom and Sir Patrick on Top


This ratio should not fluctuate much …It looks like and EKG

BUT today it looks like it blew up

But Recently it Blew Down

The pulses are of a much higher amplitude since the beginning of march

And Now Sir Patrick will explain to the class what this means


Actually this Perf Chart shows this and the explanation may be simple.


$Gold is Not the Spot Price it is the Continuous Future Price ( ie the near term futures price)
GLD tracks Spot

$Gold is $1752

Spot Gold is $1682 at the moment

$70 difference

How does GLD affect the Spot Gold Price ?

Here is an old post which explains it …I just updated the GLD Holdings too

It should rise as Gold rises


How much Gold does GLD have in it’s vaults ?

And How much is it “worth ” ?

Total gold in trust
Value US$