Another “must read”

Conclusion – Rethinking Inflation/Deflation

In a recession or depression, what is happening is that all the bad debt that was taken out during the artificial boom, is liquidated. Those who thought they had wealth wake up to realize it was all an illusion. Asset prices were inflated. It was all just paper. This is classic deflation, when the proverbial bubble pops and deflates. An inflationary recession, or stagflation, which is what it appears we are headed for, is seen on the surface as the opposite. But this, too, is an illusion.

In terms of real money, there are no inflationary depressions. If gold is real money, then we may see hyperinflation in terms of paper, but in gold terms a depression will still be extremely deflationary, as all assets lose value relative to hard money. Indeed, in the event that gold backwardation becomes permanent if the GOFO gets stuck in negative territory relative to the SOFR, then gold is money, the dollar is just paper, and everything deflates relative to gold as the paper price rises. In other words, hyperinflation is not really inflation at all. It’s actually complete and total deflation of the entire bubble in gold terms, with everyone who does not own hard money holding the proverbial fiat paper bag.