Rabbit hole #85 => Gann Fan
Copper is on the wrong side of 45′ on 3 higher time frames…
Any body can give me a reason why this would go up?
I’m doubting what I used to think… trying to understand what I should think.
Was simpler when I just didn’t think … too late now… the thinking valve is fully opened. Sigh…
Edit: adding some gold charts…
What has got me confused.. if the market is a forward looking mechanism.. why hasnt copper dropped more.. like 2008?
Why did silver take a bigger beating?
Another thought… if there is a credit contraction.. then wouldnt that devalue gold and silver.. less credit.. less currency chasing the metals.. hence lower prices?
Yes.. I finished reading PBC by plunger.. maybe I should let him think for me…
I have asked Plunger to come over and discuss what he sees next
He is away at the moment will probably be here tomorrow.
Meanwhile …I think Copper is stating to break down.
I remember in 2008 it held up pretty well at first and i used it as an anchor to hold out hope…but it faliled
Great! Thanks Fully! Will be surely enlightening.