As Coronavirus Spreads, Workers Gear Up to Work from Home
There are many stories coming out about how many workers are being forced to work remotely, many at home.
So far, this has mostly worked out surprisingly great! Maybe a new trend as a result of the virus?
I was in the locker room of our tennis club and overheard this exact conversation.
Several guys were extolling the benefits they have had in just a few days!……
“NO three hour COMMUTE!” one guy exclaimed and getting more work done. One and a half days in a day!
We may look back at this event, scratching our heads saying, “Why didn’t we do this sooner!”
So far I have been hearing nothing but great success from it!
If everybody works from home who the hell are we calling? 🙂
I’ve been working from home, off and on, for years. The benefits are wonderful, but the pay stinks.
I’m not employed, but I am also not unemployed. I simply don’t exist as far as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is concerned.
There are nearly 100 million U.S. citizens of working age who are in my situation. About the same number of U.S. citizens are said to be employed, even though many work part-time jobs.
Yet our well-heeled leaders claim that the economy is strong with the lowest unemployment rate in many years. What a bunch of manure.
I get where you are coming from Homer and agree the government is full of BS.
My point is really for those that are really happy working from home after years of commuting, now having much more the kind of freedom
I’ve experienced most of my life having been self employed for 45 years.
It is a totally different experience, no commute, flexible work hours, the list goes on….
And the other side, employers are seeing how happy so many of they’re workers are and how productive they have been.
With all the new communication ability, teleconferencing, shared computers and all, they are asking why they didn’t see this sooner.
One of the guys raving about this said they even saw a reduction of cars on the freeways!
Cool !