“What can one do to protect against the coming devaluation of financial claims and fiat currencies in which they are denominated? The first step towards solving a problem is admitting it, which the vast majority of investors has yet to do. The next step is to find assets that meet, at a minimum, the following three criteria: genuine scarcity, a price that does not reflect the bubble and, given the scope of excesses across the financial system, it ought to be something that does not rely on the financial markets and counterparties.

Gold: the sophistically simple solution
Physical gold is one of the few assets that meets all three criteria.”


“In today’s Fed Temporary Open Market Operations, the dealers took $20 billion in 14 day term repos and $67.6 billion in overnight repos for a total take of $87.7 billion. $61.5 billion expired. Therefore, the net increase was $26.2 billion in Fed repos outstanding, bringing the total to $190.3 billion.”