Yield spread between 30 yr T to 5 yr T is on rise- Steepining.
From TS Blog:
“The reason that the next yield-curve trend reversal from flattening to steepening will not necessarily signal the onset of an economic bust/recession is that there are two potential drivers of such a reversal. The reversal could be driven by falling short-term interest rates or rising long-term interest rates. If it’s the former it signals a boom-bust transition, but if it’s the latter it signals rising inflation expectations.

As an aside, regardless of whether a major yield-curve reversal from flattening to steepening is driven by the unravelling of an artificial boom or rising inflation expectations, it is bullish for gold. By the same token, a major reversal in the yield curve from steepening to flattening is always bearish for gold.”


Lately the spread has broken out to steepining so as HUI , XAU and GDX miners have risen but Gold and Silver to gold ratio is stuck in trading range.

Spread vs SGR 9ema:

Daily spread vs SGR line:

Daily Spread vs HUI to gold ratio

Expecting soon these ratios to turn and join the spread.