What’s up folks, it’s been a little bit…hope all is well with everyone. Looks like our favorite toys still suck. Been watching this possible falling wedge as a possibility but a long way to go getting there. I’ve seen various folks around the internet trying to call bottom already but I’m am super skeptical of that call. I don’t think a 2 year consolidation has resolved itself in 2 months…probably more pain to come but I expect a pop from the 2000 to 2015/16 trendline https://www.tradingview.com/x/faW3hhoh/ seen on second chart. I’m still watching last week of November and Feb 2019 for a possible bottom…shall see. Will refresh some of those charts.

Also look at this bearish kiss of the 2008 low- https://www.tradingview.com/x/wjI4Sgii/