STEEM breakout and backtest
Here is my latest post on STEEM:
I notice cryptos are catching some of your attention !
In the meanwhile STEEM has broken out and backtested the support line:
I urge you to watch the Clif High’s latest YouTube video called “Crocodile cryptos and pissin’ in the woo-woo pond”.
You will get phantastic insights on whats coming down the road in the cryptospace, also in the PM sector!
Let me know what you think about !!
Here’s the link:
I wont bother to watch this nutbar. he is certifiable
I would much rather get my crypto Info from Dangermouse.
You will get it from Dangermouse, Fully.
I do not subscribe to all of Clif’s information (I do not believe in UFO’s for exemple). I try to listen to it with an open, universal, poetic mind, asking myself “what does he want to describe with is own words, within his own universe ?”
If you are humble you can get some information out of everybody and, IMO Clif is brillant in his own way. But that’s just my opinion.
Agree 100% Fully, Clif’s last name is High for a reason. He is a purveyor of gloom and doom and has been for many years. He discovered that some people are eager to pay good money for fantastic and outlandish predictions. Good for him I guess. Just don’t expect any of his predictions to actually come to pass and use what he says to trade or invest at your owe risk.
He lost me when he said ‘chemtrails’ and that was pretty much his first sentance.
Ok, so I watched the whole video. He’s clearly a bit ‘eccentric. However, some interesting food for thought.