The Gold:Oil ratio just exceeded its 36 year high.

Take a look at this. I thought I would check it out given the weakening in WTIC oil and the last few days’ pop up in gold.

My question as I loaded up this chart was: Is the gold:oil ratio breaking out to a new all time high (at least for the past 36 years) or is it hitting resistance at this lofty level?

The answer:$gold:$wtic&p=M&yr=36&mn=0&dy=0&id=p84715185119&a=422997387&listNum=1

Gold:WTIC is 33.33, just above the high for the past 36 years which was 33.30 in 1986. My eyes are seeing parabolas delineating the lows and the highs on this chart for the past 30+ years:

gold-oil ratio RPG 33,33 high for 36 years

Can it break out to a new trading range as the Gold:CRB chart has?

What could that range to be? The previous range for gold:oil is 6.21 to 33.3. Can a new range of 33.3 to 60 come into play?

This ties in with Graddhyllesvin’s post with his potential bearish pattern for oil:

and also with the Gold:CRB chart that broke out in 2008/09:$gold:$crb&p=M&yr=36&mn=0&dy=0&id=p84715185119&a=422997387&listNum=1

gold-crb ratio breakout re gold-oil wtic rpg

Is gold:WTIC going to follow the Gold:CRB to the upside?