I liked the 1973-2014 gold charts from Peter Brandt, not particularly because of level of detail but that they covered the entire period. Has anyone on goldtadise done a study on the gold 1980-1999 bear market in a similar way to your chart studies of Dow 1929-32, Nikkei 1989-92, etc?

This is where Peter Brandt’s charts of gold from the mid-1970s to 2014 are located:


I think I may have read an older version of this page previously – this newer page was updated 7 August 2015 and there is downloadable pdf there.  He is also pushing it on his homepage as I write.

Also, he has written another short article recently:


He seems to be bearish overall and looking for an extended gold bear market, perhaps similar to the 1980-1999 experience.

As an interesting aside, I noticed that Brandt has been very bullish on Asian stock markets this year:



Since he wrote those Asia articles, the Shanghai index broke out big time then crashed, all in a few months!

I am intrigued by how incredibly bearish everyone is on China as their Shanghai SSEC market index bounced off long term support in the low 3,000s, previously resistance for several years. I think the jury is out on that market in reality. Also the Nikkei broke above previous (2007) high at 18,000 and hit long term resistance at 20,000. I think the jury is out on that one, too. Any thoughts?