$ USM15 – June T-Bonds (Last:151^16)

Updated June 3, 8:11 p.m. EDT

As badly as the futures have gotten socked this week, there’s still a little room before they hit a longstanding correction target at 150^07.  The ABC pattern shown is sufficiently clear and compelling to suggest that the target, a major Hidden Pivot support, will have tradable consequences (as will a Hidden Pivot at 117.23 in TLT, an ETF that can be used as a proxy for this one). T-Bond futures typically fulfill targets in all time frames with a relatively high degree of accuracy, so if you are looking to bottom-fish the easy way, try a 150^09 bid, stop 150^04 for a single contract. You can step up the size if you use ‘camouflage,’ but don’t attempt this if you’re not familiar with the tactic. If I’m in the chat room when the target is hit, I’ll provide guidance in real time.
