Trader Dan probably doesn’t realize it, but his constant disdain for gold permabulls, however justified it may be, is making him appear biased in his analysis. The lower gold drops, the more bearish and averse to gold he seems to become. It’s as if he doesn’t see the end of this gold bear anywhere in sight. What he should realize is that some people do not trade gold, they simply hold it and accumulate it in the understanding that the world’s fiat money system is nearing its end. These people want to be holding gold when it collapses.
Trader Dan does not appear to share this view. He seems to think that this centrally planned fractional reserve banking system controlled by the Western world will continue indefinitely. He is a short term thinker and trader. The grand scheme of things economic escapes him. His outlook is merely a few weeks at most. When gold was at $1900, a good time be selling gold, he was calling it a safe haven. There is no doubt that when it is trading below $900 later this year, a good time to be buying gold, he will be deriding the metal and the permabulls even more than he is currently.
I realize that he may have gotten a bit of hate mail from some fanatical zealots when he became bearish. There are always bad apples in with the good. I see no reason to lump anyone who is holding gold through this bear market in with such bullies.
The fundamentals for gold are not only good, but are getting better every day. The fact that the price action does not reflect this currently is of no concern to me. Indonesians claim that when the great tsunami struck their country a few years ago, the tide went out farther than anyone remembers. When it did so, people ignorant of this phenomenon marvelled at it or went out to gather sea shells. The wise and discerning, however, headed for high ground. This is pertinent to our economic situation today in the West. Investors are piling into assets like equities and US dollars and debt instruments. And it may be enjoyable for a time to “gather those sea shells.” People are going to wonder why you are “heading for higher ground” at a time when the tide is going so far out. When that 200 foot wall of water eventually comes crashing in, then people will understand. Gold is the higher ground in today’s economic environment. I’ll stay there until the tsunami is over.
Trader Dan probably doesn’t realize it, but his constant disdain for gold permabulls, however justified it may be, is making him appear biased in his analysis. The lower gold drops, the more bearish and averse to gold he seems to become. It’s as if he doesn’t see the end of this gold bear anywhere in sight. What he should realize is that some people do not trade gold, they simply hold it and accumulate it in the understanding that the world’s fiat money system is nearing its end. These people want to be holding gold when it collapses.
Trader Dan does not appear to share this view. He seems to think that this centrally planned fractional reserve banking system controlled by the Western world will continue indefinitely. He is a short term thinker and trader. The grand scheme of things economic escapes him. His outlook is merely a few weeks at most. When gold was at $1900, a good time be selling gold, he was calling it a safe haven. There is no doubt that when it is trading below $900 later this year, a good time to be buying gold, he will be deriding the metal and the permabulls even more than he is currently.
I realize that he may have gotten a bit of hate mail from some fanatical zealots when he became bearish. There are always bad apples in with the good. I see no reason to lump anyone who is holding gold through this bear market in with such bullies.
The fundamentals for gold are not only good, but are getting better every day. The fact that the price action does not reflect this currently is of no concern to me. Indonesians claim that when the great tsunami struck their country a few years ago, the tide went out farther than anyone remembers. When it did so, people ignorant of this phenomenon marvelled at it or went out to gather sea shells. The wise and discerning, however, headed for high ground. This is pertinent to our economic situation today in the West. Investors are piling into assets like equities and US dollars and debt instruments. And it may be enjoyable for a time to “gather those sea shells.” People are going to wonder why you are “heading for higher ground” at a time when the tide is going so far out. When that 200 foot wall of water eventually comes crashing in, then people will understand. Gold is the higher ground in today’s economic environment. I’ll stay there until the tsunami is over.
Hi Neil
Its the Gold Huckster Permabulls Dan is attacking
Not Gold believers
he is also an honest money advocate
But there are many many stories of folks who lost their life savings in PMs
encouraged by the Gold Promoters
I agree there will be another grand leg up
the point is not to lose your trading capitol on the way down
Dan is a Trader…So he will always be short term oriented
He will be Bullish when its time…
Perhaps I was a bit hard on him.
Well you said you piece …and I understand…I also know what he has been thru with his former
“mentor” and former friends …all because he dared to write what he saw .
Anyhow…Dan is one to watch for clues for when this market finally does turn around for real
Could be a while though IMO