From Wolfgang in BC

This is a good website to check death per 1 million. If you go by Belgium’s numbers then India should have 1 million dead yet it is only 22k and they cant say India is hiding the numbers. You can’t hide a million dead. I see Canada is on par with Mexico. yet our medical system is supposed to be much more advanced…like you said…all BS…

btw….9100 covid deaths in Germany and they shut the whole country down….in 1968-69 they had 60k dead ( “and stored in subway tunnels” my god what barbarians) with a much smaller population and “Yawn”…nothing happen, life went on as always….now if that would happen nobody would ever leave their house again…we are all going to die…Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today’s media and gov…

1969 in the USA…what were the Boomers Doing >

Locking Down masks ? I know they were Social Distancing …just like the Millennials and gen z Today

Right ?