Unless there is a lot more information that isn’t being made public, the Brooklyn subway shooting story is riddled with holes, inconsistencies and some dumb conclusions. Why does a guy who sets off a device (smoke bomb?) on a subway and shoots multiple people, leave a credit card used to rent a u-haul at the scene? Did he stupidly drop it or purposely leave it to implicate someone else? Why were authorities so quick to say they aren’t considering this terrorist act to be a terrorist attack.(What is the definition of a terrorist attack?) Is it only when a Muslim or white nationalist group does this or a school gets shot up so they can go on another gun control rampage. They don’t really know who did it or why but they are making statements about an ongoing investigation when they never make statements about an ongoing investigation. You pretty much know when these things are government orchestrated by what they release, how fast they release it and whether or not they classify it as a terrorist incident. I don’t know how this one is going to play out but it almost seems like they had their patsy in advance much like the Boston bombers and Lee Harvey Oswald? https://www.https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/reports-shooting-explosion-brooklyn-subway-stationzerohedge.com/markets/reports-shooting-explosion-brooklyn-subway-station