Jeff Childers :
Maybe the week’s most underreported story was the latest outbreak of war all over the Middle East region. The least interesting part was the announcement of a fulsome and long-overdue attack against Yemen. Foreign Policy ran the story yesterday below the headline, “Trump Dramatically Escalates Military Strikes on Yemen’s Houthis.”
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The hot takes were, as usual, off base. Social media rushed to argue that President Trump is no peacemaker! He’s starting a brand new war! Nonsense. The Houthis —a militarized government that runs half of Yemen— have been waging a missile and economic war against the United States and Israel for two years, with the feckless and timid Biden Administration apparently unable or unwilling to tackle the problem.
Just over two years ago, the Yemeni militants exploded onto the global stage due to their missile and drone attacks against commercial shipping and U.S. warships in a narrow, Red Sea chokepoint called the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, shown above. Not only did the attacks humiliate the U.S., which kept losing, but since the strait is used for ten percent of the world’s shipping transit, they also spiked worldwide costs and prices.
I have long argued in C&C that these Yemenese attacks are part and parcel to the Proxy War in Ukraine. Russia repeatedly warned Biden that, if the U.S. kept arming Ukraine, Russia would start arming the U.S.’s problematic regional adversaries. I cannot prove the Russians began supplying more advanced arms to the Houthis, but the timing and circumstantial evidence fit.
Pure supposition, and mostly nonsense, complete with a picture of crazy Arabs and their ancient guns. If these people are backward savages, why does Israel need to call in the U.S. with three aircraft carrier battle groups to do their fighting for them?
Because they are Backward Savages with Iranian Missiles
Soon to be Kooks with Nukes unless they are Destroyed and so they will be
More racism. You think them incapable of building missiles. You’re wrong. And where will they get nukes? Iran doesn’t have any, though they certainly have the ability to build them, and have had for many years. As to your certainty that the Houthis will be destroyed, the finest American arms have been used against them for a decade by the Saudis, the Israelis and the Americans. They’re still fighting, even as the “Peace President” rains bombs and missiles down on them.
These Terrorists happen to be Raging Fundamental Islamists who treat their women like cattle . This group overthrew a duly elected Government . They follow their doctrine to the letter…which means They are sworn Kill YOU as an Infidel . Why do you cheer them on as some righteous group of Freedom Fighters or something ?
I’m not cheering them on. I’m saying we have no right to drop bombs on innocent women, children and old people. Do a little digging and you will find out that that dropping bombs on people doesn’t get you what you say you want. The Israelis have been killing Palestinians forever, and Houthis have been targeted for ten years. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that keeping Arabs down by continuous warfare is the object, not the method, of this insanity. America and Israel were once admired, now they are both terrorist nations reviled throughout the world. Stop pretending you are on the side of the good guys.