JFK Assassination Document “Declassification” A Total Dud & THE SMOKING GUN…
Lots of different takes from lots of different analysts….more to come ?
We realize that not all of the files have been released, right? Still holding back plenty of “secrets” and then there’s those damnable redactions.
Meanwhile, nothing on Epstein, nothing on 9-11, nothing on the J6 committee, nothing on Benghazi…so be distracted by the Kennedy papers. Trump has kind of upset the apple cart, but those who did and are committing crimes of high treason merrily roll along. Nice to see some of the worst of the worst getting removed from the USA. That’s gonna be a long road and an endless fight with the establishment. Methinks the long haul begins now. We’ll see who has staying power and who doesn’t. Hopefully Blondi – I mean Bondi, doesn’t last too much longer. Getting a bull into the drivers seat there would go a long ways towards the justice we all want to see.
Meanwhile, the two assholes Burgum and Turner are talking about a HUD monstrosity. The fucking games never end – doesn’t matter republican or democrat, all of these clowns think they are the be all and end all, and they ALL consider us to be stoopid. What a fucking mess. Why not just burn DC to the ground and be done with it? Matches, anyone? I have the gasoline…
totally agree, nobody in handcuffs. If Musk found 150 year old people getting ss cheques then one must assume somebody was cashing them in. Why no charges of fraud mentioned. Meanwhile Carney is spending 6 Billion for some radar system in the attic to warn us when Putin sends his Satan rocket over, what good does that do us as we have no guns , is it for the USA and his buddies ???
Where’s the beef, right?
It smells more like a marketing campaign than cleaning out the stables.
El Gato agrees