Kingmaker’s threads on JFK
This is independent of the release .. his research …. I’ll keep adding to the comments (and in the comments) as I see new material
Will any of this be in the Archived Files now released?
Thanks pedro
Then use browser Edit / Find for “Thread” … he’s up to 5, so the first four are further down. (Don’t see #1)
Guess you can start from 2 and work up.
My take is that AS USUAL with this crap, you look for logical inconsistencies and DISSENTING accounts, and go from there.
The body switcheroo has been known of for at least a decade.
Same with the quick shipping of the limo to Detroit to replace the FRONT windshield to hide evidence of the frontal shot.
Keep an eye out for the Zapruder film to go to Rochester NY for editing.
So far, nothing on LBJ and instructions given by or to Mack Wallace ordering the killing.
Everything so far suggests they are just circling the clueless masses around the same old same old.