Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills –  UK government department which inspects and regulates services for children and young people, including schools and colleges.

Daily mail

Ofsted has appointed Sir Hamid Patel, as leader of a religious school as its chairman in what is believed to be a first for the education watchdog.

He has been on Ofsted’s board since 2019, was knighted for outstanding services to education in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2021 and attended the King’s coronation in 2023.

Sir Hamid Patel will enter the top board position temporarily until a replacement is found for Dame Christine Ryan.

He is chief executive of the Star Academies Trust, which runs around 40 primary and secondary schools across Lancashire, Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, the Midlands and London – many of which are rated outstanding.

It is understood from inside sources that Sir Hamid has always been a balanced board member who has never stood in opposition to moves to regulate more hardline religious schools, as reported by the Telegraph.