Israel is a settler society made up of European, Russian, African and American Jews. The idea that they have a claim to Palestinian land is utter nonsense. That they pose as a small group of innocents wanting live in peace, while beset by Islamic crazies is pure propaganda. We in the west need to stop supporting this mad, murderous gang of criminals. The idea that our religious beliefs corespondent to the persecution of their enemies is blasphemous. God doesn’t countenance genocide.
Correspond, not corespondent. I’m so sick of spellcheck. Whatever I write, I have to spell check the spellcheck to make sure it hasn’t completely defeated whatever point I’m trying to make!
Israel is a settler society made up of European, Russian, African and American Jews. The idea that they have a claim to Palestinian land is utter nonsense. That they pose as a small group of innocents wanting live in peace, while beset by Islamic crazies is pure propaganda. We in the west need to stop supporting this mad, murderous gang of criminals. The idea that our religious beliefs corespondent to the persecution of their enemies is blasphemous. God doesn’t countenance genocide.
Correspond, not corespondent. I’m so sick of spellcheck. Whatever I write, I have to spell check the spellcheck to make sure it hasn’t completely defeated whatever point I’m trying to make!