There were a dozen other opaque agencies listed in Trump’s cancellation order besides USAGM. Cutting each of them was a coup, and each has an awful, Orwellian story squatting right behind them. One more example, to give you just a taste, was the plug-pulling on the Pentagon’s so-called “Office of Net Assessment,” which gets $20 million a year allegedly to produce military assessments, the most recent of which was delivered back in 2007. Conservative commenters were overjoyed it was cancelled. First example:

This isn’t just crushing a few corrupt agencies. Trump is torching an entire shadow bureaucracy

I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but we’ve never ever seen a house-cleaning like this before. Why previous Republican presidents never addressed these long-standing problems is a whole ‘nother question that we’ll have to circle back around to at some point. But it is wildly encouraging that it is happening now, and it’s far bigger and far more comprehensive than anything Trump hinted at on the campaign trail.

We haven’t even reached the first 100 days yet—and it already appears Trump has gotten more done in three months than most presidents achieve in two terms. Or maybe never.