I’ve been ridiculed for posting Bo on this site. I’d suggest you watch it today. It spells out your, and America’s, future.
Listen carefully to your own “inner voice”. Bo is telling you what you need to know to navigate today’s mess, and what’s coming imminently. All the best from WWW.
This is a No Bo Zone Wolf
I wont have anything to do with that scam artist . He is dishonest and he is a Moron…other than that I guess he’s OK
You were warned that anything you post here from Po Baloney would be deleted….
I’ll leave this one up but no more
he is a charlatan and a creep !
9 minute video ( read the comments too)
Bo Polny the King of the Con Men
Thanks for the video which was made in 2020….and the guy says Bo is a phony, never says much that comes true or happens or is important. How about the rollout of COVID19 end of 2019, coincidentally with the rollout of 5G…with people in China dropping dead in the streets, and COVID spreading unnaturally around the world in a forced pandemic for the next 4 years where most of the world (wherever 5G was installed at high frequencies) was required (coerced into)to get the kill shots or lose everything….Probably the most devastating forced event of our lifetimes and finalized the end of 2019 to be injected beginning in 2020??? And they are just now realizing that for every jabbed 500 people who die there is only 1 to 5 new live births? Did Bo mention that? I doubt it but he does scream when disasters are expected to happen. Very easy I guess to put on ignore or discredit another person, but that guy offered NOTHING!
The one I just posted has some pretty alarming info for our immediate future, like between now and July 3, and he tells you why. You can lead a horse to water etc… www
Every comment agreed The guy is a scam
There are many other articles out there too
Last warning No more Boshit here
My inner voice is telling me to blow it all on hookers and booze, might as well go out having fun… Charlie Sheen style all the way !
Yes then ridiculed yet again. Bo is pure con artist