A mother of two grown children with two grandkids, husband and a 93 yo Grandpa in tow, forced, coerced them all to take two shots as soon as they were available. That’s 7 people. Her children resisted but eventually gave in.
At some point her children educated the mother regarding the “safe and effective” lie. Now the mother is having severe regrets as her children are mad at her. They are a very close Sikh family.

Her husband possibly believes they work but only took 3 or 4 before he stopped.
It is a sore point in family discussions.

Now the whole family is vaccine hesitant on all shots. They’re done and vocal.

During the Scamdemic they didn’t care if others took them or not. I was welcome to join them on events and meals. They knew I didn’t take the shots. So I never discussed any side effects as they didn’t judge.

Their trust in Medicine, the Media and Government is non-existent. It was stunning to hear. I see them weekly and heard nothing. Apparently, the children’s friends are of the same opinion. It’s growing. I believe the Mom was embarrassed to tell me, as early on I expressed the opinion that they would not stop infection or transmission and could only offer harm.

I can now work on the intent of Digital ID and CBDC in their lives. It will spread from there.