The Economic Consequences of Populism – The Great Depression Reconsidered
Policy Blunders – Why The Great Depression Lasted So Long
The Great Depression did not endure because God struck America. It endured because our leaders played God. And because we let them.
There are lessons to be found in history that may prove useful as WWIII evolves. While history doesn’t repeat, it often rhymes!
This is a great article.
I sent it to my daughter when it came out a few weeks ago, because it dovetails with the analysis that Jim Grant did on the Forgotten Depression of 1921.
Controlled experiments are not easily crafted in the social sciences, and this comes pretty damn close.
And very few dig enough into the question of what (OR WHO?) caused the Great Depression.
It was one man. Winston.
“One of the biggest screw-ups in Churchill’s storied career relates to a subject he never mastered—Economics. I am personally a friend and advocate of the gold standard, but I believe that when Churchill attempted to restore the British pound’s connection to the yellow metal, he erred in a way that produced monumentally negative consequences for Britain and the world.”
I’ve been of this view for ten years at least, thanks to an earlier commentary on this point. Good to see its getting some more attention.