President-elect Trump floats admitting Canada and Mexico as American states if we continue to “subsidize” them.
“We’re subsidizing Canada to the tune of over $100 billion per year. We’re subsidizing Mexico for almost $300 billion […] If we’re going to subsidize them, let them become a state.
This is bad and goes in line of globalists to have one world government.
First stage was EU – to have non elected govern body of bureaucrats and countries in EU loses sovereignty. – accomplished!
Next stage, announced many years ago, by WEF and others, is to create a regions like EU. Here reguion would be Canada USA and Mexico. We already have EU. Then there would be Asian region. Well with current war, Russia is slowly but surely being bigger and bigger part of Asian region.
All those regions would have their own non elected govern body of bureaucrats and countries in them would lose sovereignty. – looks like in the making?
Then all these regions would have of course final decision making body and rulers that would rule them all – one world government.
Right now, Trump is playing into their hand. Is this his agenda? All the other good stuff is just a smokes and mirrors, so we don’t see how he is helping building NWG?!?
I don’t like none of this!
I believe you misunderstand Trump
He is Trolling Trudeau and the Mexican President
Of course US will never “annex” these to Countires…are you kidding Buck ? You actually take this at face value ?
It’s a Joke…and a Good one…with a message
Stop taking advantage …Level the Playing Field
Treat You Powerful neighbor with reverence and respect .
Appreciate their benevolence
OR…Fuck off you are on your own
It’s working
Trudeau is kissing his Ring
The Mexican Gov’t just made the biggest fentynal bust in History
One world government is GONE…haven’t you noticed The EU is dying ….fast !
You think Americans would want a Communist Shithole like Canada ? LOL
Sometimes he SOUNDS like a 4th grader.
But he knows his Sun Tzu ….
He’s a master strategist, tactician and mind reader.
He’s forcing others to makes moves, borne out of their own (relative) weakness. Perceived or otherwise.
Vs. Putin or Xi …. they will be much tougher opponents.
They can outlast him, probably.
> I believe you misunderstand Trump He is Trolling Trudeau and the Mexican President
OK good. I didn’t listen, I just read the title. I’m in a hurry today 😉
I’m a little touchy on all subjects that makes one world government more likely. And current war between Ukraine and Russia sometimes fells like going into this direction by creating ‘Asian Union’ as it was predicted long time ago. So no wonder my spidey senses got awaken… If it is just a trolling then great.
I don’t like any of this. (not double negating – typo)