I won’t lie to you; I’ve been waiting to write this article for
about seven years now. And there were many times when I
thought I’d never get to write it. Because one of the clear
agendas of Davos and the Boomers (worst band name ever),
was to skip over Gen X and hand the reins of power to the late
Millennials/Zoomers whose minds they’d worked so hard to
destroy with the woke mind virus.
Tom Luongo
Very interesting take on the Election….BRILLIANT !
He shows this election was a rejection of the status quo ( aka the permanent political class) specifically by 2 Demographic Groups of Voters who finally woke up and asserted their Right to choose their Government
Gen X (The smallest Generation by numbers ) Age 45 to 64
and “Their Kids ….”Millenials and Gen “Z”
and more specifically the Men in these two generation demographics were responsible for Trump’s resounding Victory over the Statists
Luongo writes a monthly long form essay for subscribers.
This one is a beauty…so I will post it all in the comments section IN FULL
Donald Trump’s decisive victory on November 5th was more
than just another election. In musical terms, it was an
unexpected key change that at once made the hair on your arms
stand up but also brought with it a sense of completion. The
perfect resolution to years, decades even, of struggle to finish a
symphony we couldn’t foresee when we started writing it.
It’s more than a rebuke by two generations of Americans,
Generation X and their kids, of the creeping and creepy
technocracy of The Davos Crowd. It was an admission by them that America lost its
way and now it’s ready to set a new course while admitting our sins and leading us to
somewhere else.
Where that is we don’t know yet. That’s not our job now. Our job is to roll up our
sleeves, clean up the mess and let a thousand flowers bloom in our wake. This issue
focuses on what implements we need to deploy to get that done
Americans have this tendency to put the world on notice,
things are not going to be the same tomorrow as they were
yesterday. I don’t know why that is and I’m not going to
I just know that we do this from time to time.
When the Revolutionary War began with the ‘Shot heard ‘round
the world,” it was a wake-up call to the old powers of Europe,
specifically that time Britain, that enough was enough, and
fighting was now on the table.
And November 5th was another of those shots. This time the
gun used was the ballot box rather than a musket, but the
result was close to the same. Donald Trump got 312 electoral
votes and Kamala Harris got 226.
Of the many memes going around this summer as we
approached election day one that stood out to me listed the
ages of the Founding Fathers when the Declaration of
Independence was written. Some were in in their early 20’s,
not old enough in today’s world buy cigarettes or alcohol, or
even rent a car, but still old enough to fight and die in a banker
war in some oil-laden shithole on the other side of the world.
The real drivers of the revolution, however, were in the prime
of their lives. Thomas Jefferson was 33. James Madison was
36 while John Adams was 40. They were helped along by
oldster Ben Franklin (70) to find ways to fund this rebellion
and make it stick.
Crisis came to them early in their lives. They saw the arc of
where things were headed and stood up and said, “No more.”
They were forced to fight a bloody war for independence, and
in doing so created not only a mythology, but founded a
country on principles which, to date in Western civilization,
hadn’t been put to paper.
We the people are superior actors in all things to the
government, which exists solely to serve us.
Over the past 248 years we’ve lost sight of that ideal. There
have been a few attempts to claw our way back, but it has been
fought root and branch by the very people who’ve never
stopped being angry over the outcome of that first war.
The entire story is far deeper and more complex than that, of
course. In my version of this story, that group is centered on
the continent the Founding Fathers fought a war for
independence from, the old colonial powers of Europe.
We’ve told a lot of other aspects of this story over the past few
years of the Gold, Goats ‘n Guns newsletter to illuminate
various currents we’ve been riding and threads of history we’ve
been pulling against, to make that story more compelling.
Also, we did it to get us to this moment with some semblance
of clarity.
But this month I think it’s important to focus on the major
generational change that expressed itself more fully than we’ve
seen in past elections, because that may have just been the
thing that tipped the balance in humanity’s favor.
On November 5th, what bubbled to the surface to overwhelm
those who sought the permanent overthrow of our birthright
given to us by the Founders was a good old’ fashioned
generational rebuke by the supposed lost generation,
Generation X, and their progeny.
The X Games
Gen X voted heavily in favor of Trump, likely tipping the scales
in several of the battleground states to hand Trump not only
the victory, but the mandate to take an axe, no two axes, to a
completely out of control Federal government that has grown
hostile to the very people it is supposed to serve.
According to polling done by AP Vote Cast, people in the 45-64
age bracket broke 52/46 for Trump. This was a shift by 3
points in Trump’s favor overall compared to 2020. Moreover,
the split between Gen X men and women only got worse for the
Democrats. Men 45 years and older went 57/42 for Trump.
But it wasn’t all just Gen X, folks. We got a lot of help from the
kids, providing extra energy along the way. For every John
Adams there has to be a James Monroe. Because, like we saw
in September’s German state elections, that crowd wants real
change. There they voted en masse for Alternative for
Germany (AfD). In Saxony it was an 11-point shift towards
AfD among 16-24 year olds. In Brandenburg 13 points.
And in Thuringia, where AfD won the election, the kids were
more than alright, swinging 15 points over 2019’s election.
They see the mess the ‘olds’ have left them, and they are angry.
Joe Biden took 61% of the ‘kid’ vote in 2020. In 2024? Harris
got just 51%. Even Millennials came close to breaking for
Trump. The margins narrowed there by 9 points. By
population size, however, Gen X is the smallest generation with
the Boomers and Millennials far outpacing them
demographically, so the marginal vote goes to Gen X and the
And the Amish. Let’s not forget their sticking it to “The
I won’t lie to you; I’ve been waiting to write this article for
about seven years now. And there were many times when I
thought I’d never get to write it. Because one of the clear
agendas of Davos and the Boomers (worst band name ever),
was to skip over Gen X and hand the reins of power to the late
Millennials/Zoomers whose minds they’d worked so hard to
destroy with the woke mind virus.
This election was supposed to be the coronation of Queen
Kamala, the epitome of everything they stood for. Artifice over
authenticity. Inclusion over
merit. Feelings over facts.
If you really think about what
their messaging was beyond
the “Trump is Hitler” canard, it
was this embedded entitlement
that it was now “her turn” to
lead the world after we tried it
the other way for so long.
It’s like national policy is one big game of T-ball, everyone gets
a turn at bat. And while that’s fine for building up the
confidence of five-and six-year-olds, it’s a pretty pathetic way to
run a country, no less the most powerful nation on earth.
Escape from LA?
And that mind virus is nothing more than the typical purity
spiral of soft people coddled into a perpetual state of petulant
adolescence which drove women crazy over the right to murder
their children and guys to simp for them.
This is not to say that those people don’t exist within Gen X, of
course they do. But I remind you that support for the American
rebellion wasn’t in the majority while it was going on. Inertia is
real. Pink Floyd called it being comfortably numb.
The drug, in this case, was the daddy state and its constantly
bludgeoning us into thinking this is all we deserved because
climate change.
At some point the generation left in front of the TV to soak up
the cultural and economic malaise of the 1970’s tuned out
Battle of the Network Stars once HBO was affordable and turned
on to Escape from New York, Animal House, and Falling Down.
The Repo Man kids were supposed to drop out, too demoralized
to leave the cave, but they didn’t. They left behind the mosh pit
and the false machismo of guys who thought they were John
Wayne, got in the glowing car and said, “Fuck that!”
Instead, they put their heads down, built the alternative
systems the Boomers thought they could control by changing
the rules every other day, sharpened their sardonic knives, and
refused to be silent.
And the seething hatred you see today for this from that same
entitled class was always there, hiding behind a veneer of
pretend empathy for victims they created in their own minds.
It was some of those people who finally saw the race baiting,
pandering, and gift giving as some demented, alcoholic Santa
Claus you wouldn’t let your kid near when you went to the
No, we closed all the malls and turned them into warehouses
for Amazon and adjuncts to the overburdened hospitals treating
an endless parade of people dying of chronic diseases because
they can’t afford real food.
Books in the Library
This vote was a referendum on the Federal government being
weaponized against the people. It was a referendum on
marginalizing white men while simultaneously erasing real
women from the culture. It’s almost like there was this push to
destroy all boundaries to create the New Soviet Man or
They paraded the perverse and demanded we call it normal.
The Biden administration was a four-year struggle session to
shame people into silence and coerce their conformity out of
civic duty. COVID-19 rules
were the litmus tests for this.
Both Dexter and I were
adamant that people’s basic
decency was being used
against them.
Too many fell into the trap of
being like parents who cater to
their child’s every whim, trying
to be their friend rather than providing boundaries that shape
them into functional adults. So, instead of standing firm during
COVID-19 and saying no to masking and social distancing, too
many of us put up with it trying to salve the anxiety of our
neighbors rather than show strength in the face of adversity.
What a terrible example to set for our children!
And masking morphed quickly into drag queen storyhour in our
public libraries, teaching gender theory to first graders, and
writing academic papers, subsidized with taxpayer money, to
prove that pedophilia is a sexual orientation rather than a trait
to be thrown out of the gene pool.
At some point the lunacy had to stop.
Stagflationary Crumbs
If you think back to the 1970’s, many in Gen X were simply left
to figure stuff out on our own. It was the real birth of the two
income household. My dad felt like a failure when my mom
had to go back to work with me just a couple of years old. In
many ways I was raised by my eldest sister, who, herself, was
going through a difficult time finishing up high school. And
when she left home when I was seven, there was really no one
for me until my father retired from the NYPD at 13.
During that time, I was mostly raised by a committee with
higher priorities than me. No blame here, just facts.
I learned how to take care of myself, and did a pretty bad job of
it, to be honest. I was lucky to get my dad back when I did, for
as brief a time as I had him
I don’t think my story is unique. I think it’s likely more normal
for my generation than a lot of us want to admit. And that
worldview left us skeptical that anyone actually cared about us.
My reaction was to distrust everyone’s intentions. Others ran
towards the thing that promised them metaphorically, “Three
hots and a cot,” and became sycophants for the state to deal
with their abandonment issues.
We all got used to being thankful for crumbs.
Our kids today are facing the same thing: parents overburdened
by economic degradation, cultural and identity confusion, and a
job market that looks an awful lot like soul-crushing wage
Is it any wonder that they too voted for change?
The World Alex Jones Made
The lies during the Biden administration were so big
surrounding Trump, January 6th, the war in Ukraine, all of it
that it can’t be overstated
how important it was for
Twitter to be freed from
its globalist jail cell.
A freed Twitter, a mostly
free Telegram, and the
rise of Rumble, helped
keep the supply lines in
the war for free speech
open. It was obvious as
it was happening that the
strategy from Evil Corp
Central was to allow for
some temporary relief
letting people vent until
the election. After that a
new round of
debanking, and un
personing would
The threats were
everywhere. The plans
were in place. But Trump
survived Butler, PA, Joe
Biden refused to be put
down like Ol’ Yeller, and
the Fed was adamant about breaking the cycle of cheap money.
And as Dave Collum has been pointing out, the meme lords
kept our morale up with wit sharper than Oscar Wilde after a
couple of absinthes, while they kept threatening us with
another week of after-school detention for posting Pepe the
Frog memes.
But do you remember the end of The Breakfast Club? The
meme lords certainly did. After all the threats, the posturing,
the unearned authority of the principle, the kids came together,
put aside their superficial differences, found common ground,
and walked away no longer gaslit and afraid.
Big Trouble in Little Swamp
And that leads us to Trump’s cabinet picks, which truly is where
this analysis leads. Nearly the entire cabinet is made up of folks
under the age of 50. This is a monumental shift. A healthy
blend of Gen X geniuses and earnest Millennials with a lot of
battle scars. Personnel, as I like to say, is policy. This group
exudes a far different ethos than the ones previously shoved
down our throats.
It’s not perfect. The foreign policy side of things is problematic
at best. But when you look at the way things are balanced, it
should leave you with the sense that this team was put together
to be greater than the sum of its parts. Most of what I think
about the cabinet to this point was summed up in the recent
podcast Dexter and I did (Episode #198 of the GGnG Podcast).
So, there’s no point in rehashing that here.
The subtler point is that Trump is clearly setting things up for a
generational changing of the guard and it will be incumbent on
these clearly motivated and high-energy people to tear out the
cancer at the heart of our government and replace it with
It represents a return to Jeffersonian thinking about a
government big enough to give you what you want is big
enough to take it all from you.
Trump is putting people
who may not have the
on-paper credentials to
do the jobs they are
being asked to do. This
is the risk he’s taking.
But, like a good father,
he’s also saying to them,
“You’re ready. Go fly.”
He’ll be there, like a good
head of household or
CEO, to set the agenda,
decide on the priorities,
and give them the
resources they need, but
it will be up to them to
implement their ideas
and surprise all of us
with what they
Because at this moment,
what’s needed is offense,
not defense. Trump is
clearly setting the tempo
here, not waiting for his
enemies to come at him.
And he’s hit them with
enough controversial
picks, like Tulsi Gabbard as the Director of National
Intelligence, or baiting them with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) as
Attorney General, that they have to coordinate too many
talking points at the same time.
It’s already cacophony and very likely the noise they generate
will cancel itself out, leaving everyone with the same message.
A bunch of out-of-touch ‘olds’ are demanding they deserve our
respect after rubbing our noses in their mendacity for the last
fifty years.
With the undead media now being sold off for parts, those with
the skill set to deliver the perfect three-to-five-minute TV
segment will find themselves shouting into the void unable to
keep up the lying in the new format of news, the long-form
podcast. Just ask Bari Weiss after she ran into the Joe Rogan
buzzsaw over smearing Tulsi Gabbard (watch here).
So, while Elizabeth Warren can still screech with the best of the
harpies, she may find even the Sunday morning talk show
circuit turns against her
The Kids Are All Right
The control system isn’t dead but it’s dying. Its death throes
will be variable, vindictive, and violent. The war against these
people isn’t over. It’s only just beginning. We’re entering the
most dangerous period, when the cornered snake coils to strike.
War is not off the table, but, as Alex Jones kept telling us, this is
a war for our minds. If they win that war, our bodies are just
But what’s very clear by this result is that people have decided
to face that war and show real courage. And that is why it’s
more incumbent than ever for Gen X to lead with a mixture of
competence, self-effacement, and humility that has been so
sorely lacking in our public policy for the last two generations.
Our kids deserve this. They want us to lead, and Trump is
offering that to us, to set up a revitalized United States, in the
hands of the people most suited to the task of weathering the
attacks sure to come our way.
If we don’t do this, we will have failed not only ourselves but
those who finally put their trust in us, the kids who came along
to give us this opportunity. Where we lead, the world will
follow. We did it in 1781 against all odds and we can do it
again in 2024.
The anxiety pimps (hat-tip Dexter White) who gaslit us into
thinking that war, surveillance, and poverty were our true
birthright are the ones who stand exposed as pathetic losers,
regardless of how many roadblocks they put up on the path to
their judgment day. Everything they say can’t be fixed can be
easily – the budget, election fraud, the border, the economy,
pollution, public health.
For fuck’s sake, If Elon Musk can throw a rocket up into low
earth orbit and then catch the freaking thing, we can fire the
HR nannies, assistant principals, and institutional dead-enders
who think they run the world
Tom Luongo Gold Goats and Guns