I was pissed when they stole election from him, from us.

But remember, how it started, RINO’s were in charge when he won first time. First couple months, republicans (establishment) were debating to even confirm him or not. (Paul Ryan) He was forced into compromises, bad cabinet picks, just to have so-so backing of ‘his’ party. And he was clueless also. Almost nothing was done, while republicans had house and the presidency. He had way too many enemies inside his party.

Look what we have now. This time he is clearly the leader. This time, he will be surrounded by people on the same side, willing to make a difference.

And he has a bone to pick. Now he understands better who he is against and what needs to be done.

The other side was too stupid, to just let him have two terms. They should just wait him out. Most of their plans would be delayed. Now, their plans are exposed and hopefully will be shattered.

It just couldn’t have played out better than it did!