Spencer Fernando is a Canadian Conservative Political Analyst I have been subscribing to. I often post his stuff here . he of course is a strong Supporter of Pierre Poilievre and a strong Critic of the Turd .

However he has always taken the view that Putin is Evil and Ukraine is a democracy we MUST support no matter what . I have sent him scathing emails explaining what we here at the tent know to be true in this regard…no reponse

At any rate I find it incredible that he just posted this position and am sorry to say it is likely the position of many in the Conservative party and the vast majority of Canadians….all except for the “Freedom” wing of the party who are responsible for massively voting for Poilievre as the new leader following his endorsement of the trucker rebellion.

I am posting his comments here as they are important to understand what the mass majority of candians feel about Trump….this is very explicit though and disgusting as far as I am concerned

What a fucking moron this guy is to feel the most important thing in the world is supporting Ukraine and resisting Putin

Screw you Spencer Fernando…I am and (I am sure half of your subscribers) am / are cancelling you …sheesh


And this brings us to Donald Trump.

Following the 2016 election and in the run-up to the 2020 election, a somewhat decent case could be made that Donald Trump governed like a relatively normal Republican, even as his statements were far more ‘outlandish’ than his Republican and Democratic predecessors.

That case was demolished on January 6th, 2021.

Having decisively lost the 2020 election – Trump lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes and all his election challenges were thrown out of court (often by Republican judges including some appointed by Trump himself), he spread lies about the electoral process and claimed the election was rigged against him – even as those close to him admitted that he knew he had lost.

This was in large part because Trump’s entire worldview is centred around him being a ‘winner,’ and unable to cope with the humiliation of being decisively rejected by the voters, Trump decided to lie instead and craft a fantasy world in which he had somehow won.

Trump incited his followers to assault the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the election certification process. As that took place, he waged a brutal pressure campaign against Vice President Mike Pence. Trump wanted Pence to block the certification of the election and then wanted the election results thrown out so that ‘alternate’ (AKA illegitimate) slates of Electors could be sent to ‘give’ Trump the win in states he had lost. Trump is on tape calling for officials in Georgia to ‘find’ just enough voters for him to overturn his loss in the state.

Essentially, Donald Trump wanted to remain in power despite losing the election, incited violence to block the certification of his defeat, and pressured the Vice President of the United States to violate his oath to the Constitution of the United States.

Thankfully, Mike Pence – after years of total loyalty to Donald Trump – found his courage in the moment it mattered most and did the right thing by certifying the election.

For that, Pence was ‘excommunicated’ from the Trump Republican Party.

Trump has since replaced Pence with JD Vance, someone who once called Donald Trump ‘America’s Hitler’ and denounced the former President vehemently, before flipping once he realized that flattering Trump was his path to power.

Vance has chosen to embrace Trump’s Big Lie about the election and has even said he would have done what Pence did not: Refuse to certify the election.

In my mind, that alone disqualifies both Trump and Vance.

But it goes further.

I simply cannot shake the feeling deep in the pit of my stomach that something has gone seriously wrong in the Republican Party of the United States in its current form.

And yes, it does come down to Russia.

Trump has flip-flopped on almost every issue, aside from his praise of Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Vance is the most anti-Ukraine & pro-Russia Senator in the United States.

The two ‘Democrats’ Trump brought on board – Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. – just so happen to be among the most anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia political figures in the United States.

Donald Trump Jr. regularly exhibits barely concealed hatred for Ukraine.

Trump-aligned Republicans blocked aid for Ukraine for many months, during which Russia made advances on the battlefield.

Trump has allied with Elon Musk – who has often repeated Russian propaganda near-verbatim and is now alleged by the Wall Street Journal to have had multiple secret conversations with the Russian dictator. Further, Musk has regularly amplified Russian propaganda through ‘X’, formerly known as Twitter.

The right-wing media figures who wittingly or unwittingly took massive payments from Russia, just so happen to be the most pro-Trump, pro-Russia, and anti-Ukraine media figures in the United States.

There are simply too many connections here to ignore.

The one common denominator between people in Trump’s orbit is a disturbing affinity for Russia and a willingness to demonize the United States.

It should also come as no surprise that Trump, Vance, Gabbard, and RFK are all hostile to NATO – the world’s greatest defensive alliance.

What a coincidence that destroying NATO happens to be Putin’s long-term dream because it would enable him to overrun free nations that were once locked in the prison of the Soviet Union.

As much as I wish this wasn’t the case, I simply cannot shake the sense that Donald Trump and those around him represent what would in many ways be a takeover of the United States by a Russia-aligned faction.

And I have little doubt that that faction would ultimately turn on Taiwan and Israel down the road to appease Russia and other members of the Authoritarian Axis.

After all, Donald Trump’s invocation of the ‘enemy within,’ and his repeated statements that his domestic political opponents are enemies while claiming that Xi, Putin, Kim, and other dictators are not enemies is exactly how a leader would prime their populace for internal violence and external submission.

I simply cannot look the other away and pretend this is something I am alright with.

That’s why, if I was an American voter, I would vote for Kamala Harris for President of the United States. Harris may not be the ideal choice, but the U.S. election is not normal. And compared to Donald Trump, Harris is the far superior candidate.

There’s more in the first comment section if you can stomach it

what a retard