Goldtenter John Manley has been getting some rave reviews for his Dystopian Corona Drama …Much Ado About Corona . It is literally the only “Fictional” Novel written chronicalling the REAL dystopian Nightmare we all lived through . He self Published it and is self promoting it . It has been slow to take off but it is starting to become noticed

I encourage all of you to buy and read a copy of this incredible book he terms a Dystopian Love Story

Meanwhile for a look into what John has to go through to get some publicity here is an interview he did yesterday with Just Right media …which was IMMEDIATELY BANNED ON YOU TUBE


Canadians were “surprisingly sadistic” during Canada’s recent Covid lockdowns says author John Manley, whose fictional account of that reality reflects some of his own personal experience in that regard.

As a book that just “had to be written,” Much Ado About Corona is a chilling reminder of a very real dystopia that many are attempting to shove down the memory hole of forgotten lessons of history. Indeed, the absence of current fictional stories, TV shows and movies that even acknowledge the recent and current forced lockdowns, forced injections, and other death cult atrocities is telling.

Not surprisingly, YouTube immediately deleted our interview with John, recognizing that, even though ostensibly a discussion about fiction and writing fiction, truth is no stranger to fiction. Truth is an essential element of any good fiction.

In contrast, YouTube prides itself on spreading lies, misinformation, and disinformation while projecting its crimes on to those who are exposing YouTube’s lies, misinformation, and disinformation. YouTube gives new meaning to the phrase ‘truth is stranger than fiction.’

But the power of fiction is no fiction. Especially when truth becomes ‘stranger than fiction,’ it is fiction that can best reveal that truth in a way that is Just Right.