Shortly after her mom died, Maddaford moved her dad into an old age care center in Saskatoon. She recounted how just a “day after” moving her dad into the facility, she got a “blanket email inviting us to come to a presentation in the dining room.”

She said that while it appears some families had “expressed interest” in MAiD, she was frustrated by the invite to the presentation regarding, as noted in the archdiocese’s report, “ending patient lives the day after entrusting her father into their care, offering that they could have simply given interested families a brochure.”

Maddaford noted how the whole ordeal was a “push from the top down,” adding that if “you don’t – if you aren’t open to the idea; you should be.”

“I worry for the people who feel the pressure of: ‘Well, my doctor advised it.’ Or ‘someone with a clipboard came around and kept asking,’” she observed.