However, if you have stopped pretending and you understand that modern political outcomes are determined by ballot systems, local ballot printing, fraudulent voter rolls to give the illusion of attribution to the locally printed ballots, and tabulation centers that conduct the necessary scanning of unattributed ballots to a number needed to generate the outcome, then this food-filled discussion about political sides between Halprin and Carlson ends up leaving you somewhat hungry.

However, what they discuss seems like a conversation that might have been pertinent to elections many cycles ago, but not now.

In the modern era facilitated by the rise of The One Lightbringer of all political truth, what many might remember as our promised “fundamental change,” voters are irrelevant to the outcome.

That said, there are very serious efforts underway to apply tactical civics in this new battleground. In that contest based on reality we destroy local ballot printing operations, block the use of fraudulent voter rolls and find industrious ways to stop the secret scanning operations within the AME network of 17 county tabulation centers.