Transitional Testimonials From Lithuania!

Amazingly, my overland crossing from Kaliningrad to Vilnius the other night went smoothly. I mean, all things considered, isn’t it amazing such a thing operates smoothly in this era?! Well, not according to Darius, the absolutely amazing Lithuanian taxi driver who just brought me to the airport in Vilnius. When I made that comment to him, his response was that what’s amazing is not that the border works, but that so much else that should work and should be, doesn’t or isn’t. Needless to say, Darius and I had a very expansive conversation on the drive to the airport. Forty years my junior, in that too-short ride he exhibited more wisdom than most people I encounter anywhere, of any age. Shaking hands before parting, we both agreed on the obvious, that we are all one. It was pure delight to meet him, to the point I look forward to meeting Darius again at some point when we both have time to sit down and discuss life, just because we can.

So, I’m now at the airport, ready to fly to Paris. This morning at the hotel, a couple more galleries got completed and added to the SmugMug page. Really, there’s not much new in the galleries, mostly more old houses, nice gardens, some forest details and a few more friendly humans encountered. The photos are from the last two days of the road trip to Karelia. Here are the links:

For me, it’s common that each day seems so very long, especially so when traveling and exploring. The time stretches out so much these days, clearly the result of experiencing more details than could possibly fit into ‘normal’ time. So, I stretch with it, sometimes feeling like I might even burst at the seams from being filled to overflowing.

Wishing you much fulfillment, but not too much!


PS  Some of you might recall the photos of Vilnius I shared in April, showing so many Ukraine flags displayed around the city.  There are far fewer now.  I asked Darius, my cab driver, about that.  He said that was a fad that is now fading.  We agreed on the empty-mindedness of it all.  I wish I had recorded our conversation, to be able to post it here, as some of you would have found it interesting and even encouraging.  This young guy was tuned in.  There is hope!