An over simplified concept but here it is.

Tyranny by well meaning individuals or groups (virtue signallers) is the most dangerous. These people believe they are doing this for your own or the common good. They have no constraints on how far they will go to achieve this. There is no conscience to reign them in. They see themselves as the “good”.

Tyranny by truly evil people is different. They know they are doing evil for various reasons and goals. It is quite obvious, can not be defended and they are eventually defeated.

During the Scamdemic we saw the virtue signallers with their masks, vaccine passports and desire to force compliance for the common good. The vast majority were the useful idiots that the truly evil were using. So it came across as “helping” and in their mind they could defend the tyranny.

Same goes for the Net Zero and the Green movement. The great unwashed are brainwashed into believing and promoting this agenda for the common good and will go to extremes to enforce these policies on others with out boundaries.

The topic of victimization came up. Just the act of discussing being a victim of this or that actually harms the so called victim as their mind is constantly viewing every interaction in life in these terms. It does the opposite of what it was meant to be. Again, well meaning people taking the torch and creating the victim class or victimhood. These people are very dangerous as they have no conscience to know when to stop doing good. Cultural Marxism knows this and we are being conquered from within. Thus, when you see these “do-gooders” in your life, they honestly believe what they are doing is for the good of society. We need to focus on the next level up where the evil are using them for their goals. These people are easily led. We all know who they are and find it next to impossible to discuss topics rationally. I would lose the argument everytime as they are “the good” and I am “the bad”.

Found this on the Goldtent Oasis site. Long but helps if you set the play to 1.5x, if you can digest the conversation at that speed. Excellent discussion.