The more I listen to people tell me about their families the more I think we are in for a world of hurt.
Last Spring I started going to the Senior’s Skate in Vancouver. On the surface everything appears fine. Just a cross-section of humanity.
Met some awake people, unshotted. Some of the awakened, regret their shots and are now very vocal.
Many are the sheep and the incurious.

Yesterday, I asked a regular (incurious) how her Summer was. All I knew about her before was she was retired and loves gardening. She recently had a single vehicle accident and totalled the car. Fell asleep and went in the ditch at highway speed. It was an older car without the bells and whistles like the lane warning. Her passenger, son, had fallen asleep. Luckily just bruises. A six hour wait at the ER to check for any medical complications. The conversation about Dr Bonnie and the Shot Mandate for the Health Professions went no where so I dropped it.

She worked in Medical research. Likely at UBC. Had 2 plus shots. Husband was a real believer and has most of what has been offered. Same as her son. All of them have had Covid since the shots and quote the Covid prayer. The past few years she developed serious sleep issues. Thus the cause of the accident. Husband the same. The son was at UBC during the Scamdemic but dropped out as the experience of online learning was not for him. He developed OCD and washes his hands continuously to the point of them being raw. He doesn’t work, lives at home and plays video games until 2 am. She is very concerned. He has no interest in dating. She is oblivious to everything we have discussed on the Forum. Trump and Pierre are tyrants, bad people! She is clueless. Believes whatever the MSM tells her. She should know better as her family, Japanese, were interned in BC during WW2.

In a nutshell, her whole family has been destroyed. They are brainwashed and kept in fear of the next one. Just meeting her one would not know the above unless one asks. She appears normal on the surface. I run across this all the time. No, I do not offer my opinion. They will never listen.
I do tell them I did not partake in the shots, have not had Covid or anything for that matter and am not worried about the next one. They all say the same thing. “You must have a good immune system” and leave it at that. There is no point arguing with this group. Can’t debate stupid.

In the upcoming BC Provincial election in October, will this group deliver a re-election for the nanny state NDP? BC is Canada’s California. It’s going to be close. The recently surging Conservatives are neck and neck with the NDP but it is the Lower Mainland that will decide the outcome due to the distribution of votes. Vancouver is a great city and the climate is the best in Canada but it has attracted the socialist minded as the living is easy except for the high cost of living.