Hundreds of Russian researchers working at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland will have to leave the Alpine country later this year, the journal Nature reported on Wednesday.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) plans to end its cooperation agreement with Russia on December 1, banning all scientists affiliated with the nation from its premises, the journal said. The scientists will also be stripped of any French or Swiss residency permits they currently hold, according to the report.

CERN announced its plans to cut ties with the Russian specialists earlier this year. It decided not to extend its cooperation agreement with Russia in December 2023.


Let’s force 500 nuclear level scientists out of “peaceful research @ CERN” and force them back into Russia at the VERY MOMENT that NATO has chosen to escalate war by using British missiles and US satellites to destroy Russian nuclear military facilities. How will Russia possibly utilize an immediate injection of such highly skilled personnel when they are now at war with NATO (whether declared or not)??