Many of you Don’t put much stock in Election Polls . For good reason

I am an admited Poll Junkey

In 2016 and 2020 Trumps final results were underestimated by the Polls in Aggregate by about 5 to 7 points

Now in 2024 When Biden was in the race all the Democrat leaning Polls ( the ones that always underestimate Trump) which are about 80% of them were showing trump ahead substantially. I hind sight this was done to give cover to dump him

As soon as Kamala was chosen the Polls shifted dramatically and now they are averaging about 4 Points in favor of her

Even the Honest Pollsters like Rich Baris ( Big Data Polls) Rasmussen , Trafalger , TIPP , Emerson and a few others have the race very tight about 2 to 3 points for Kamala in the Full NATIONAL Polls… which equates to about a tie in the Swing States ( Wis Mich Penn Az Nev NC and Ga )…well within the margin of “cheat”

This is called the Electoral Collage Bias …where these swing states on average poll 3 to 4 points Towards Trump vis a vis the national polls . ie Harris needs about 3 to 4 point win Nationally to win the EC and end the USA as we know it !!!!

There is however one…rather infrequent Pollster who is always eagerly anticipated.

Atlas Intel

Here is a graph of the 2020 Pollsters ratings…You can see they were on the very top

They use a proprietary method ( actually many methods ) to get the true picture …including what they call the shy Trump Voters They scrutinize the Likely Voters by every demographic imaginable and make sure each and every demographic is properly represented in their survey…Their results are considered the gold standard .

They just came out with their results ….taken after the Debate.

In aggregate the polled voters felt kamala won the Debate by about 47% to 39%

BUT the results of the Vote Intention Question was ( rounded)


Trump 51 Harris 48……..TRUMP +3


Trump 51 Harris 47.5 ……TRUMP +3.5

This would represent a Landslide in the Electoral College

There are many more interesting poll graphs in their presentation for thos who would like to dig deeper

Including this gem

here is the link to the Poll Results in Incredible detail…DOWNLOAD THE PDF


Lets see if the Poll makes the MSM headlines…or even the Alt Headlines…IT SHOULD !