Overwhelmingly the people I meet will vote out The Turd. Good news!
But…..they HATE Trump! Why? He’s a bad man or something along that line of thinking.
By watching US MSM all they hear is Orange Man bad, Harris good. These people never hear about policies. No matter what, it’s Trump’s fault. TDS has reached pandemic levels in Canada.

Went to a Hot Spring in the Kootenay’s today. It was a sad sight. Of the 50-60 people who rotated through the various pools, 90% were obese to morbidly obese. A Japanese family and a youngish couple were the only normal sized people. While talking about the failed Canadian health system, I heard an “organ recital” about their many ailments. They weren’t much older than myself. All weight related chronic problems that are preventable. Although, not one who I spoke to will take another C shot for various reasons. Never discussed the other seasonal shots. Apparently taking 4-6 medications is the norm.

MAHA should resonate with most sane people. I don’t think they care.