***WARNING – Those who have been injected with the experimental mRNA Gene Therapies may to want to sit down before watching this video

NOTE: I have screen recorded this video because YouTube will very likely censor it and take it down shortly. I have also uploaded it to my censorship free Rumble channel for those who wish to share it on other SM platforms, or with friends and family who are not on X: https://rumble.com/v5e07d1-breaking-new-peer-reviewed-paper-confirms-presence-of-nanostructures-in-cov.html


15 minutes


All links seem to EXPECT this information to be disappeared quickly (hence the copy & imbed herein and rumble links). Campbell appears concerned that he might be arrested for simply publishing the peer reviewed info — but was too important to ignore…..he has awakened  … check the picture over his left shoulder in video……..