Vaccine safety expert Dr. Suzanne Humphries joined CHD.TV’s Polly Tommey to discuss the WHO’s polio vaccination campaign in Gaza. Humphries said the WHO is deploying a genetically engineered oral vaccine to combat a type of vaccine-induced polio.

Over 187,000 children under age 10 this week were vaccinated against polio in central Gaza during the first phase of a two-round polio vaccination campaign, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported.

The campaign, continuing today in southern Gaza, is set to conclude next week in northern Gaza. It will target about 640,000 children. Israel and Hamas agreed to a daily eight-hour ceasefire in the places where the vaccines are being administered, Reuters reported.

The course of treatment requires the children to receive a second dose of the vaccine in four weeks.

Vaccine-derived polio occurs when the attenuated poliovirus used to make oral vaccines regains its virulence and begins circulating, according to the WHO. The nOPV2 vaccine is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

It’s “the same old playbook,” she said, where a war or crisis is used to roll out a new, minimally tested vaccine.


Interesting that these articles avoid mention the Gates Foundation involvement in the disasterous 2016 African polio vaccine program and how vaccine-derived polio started —

“inability or unwillingness of GPEI leadership to recognize the seriousness of the evolving problem and take corrective action.” A strategy committee with representatives from GPEI’s core partners—WHO; UNICEF; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Rotary International; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance—governs by consensus.