IMHO we are reaching a tipping point when even the mildly insane realize what is happening worldwide and wake up. There will always be a following that will never wake up (25%).
My guess is that the increasing costs of staying alive will be the catalyst.

Many people have become nomadic and live in RV’s and trailers.
Presently at a well run private campground that is inhabited by many full-time people. The older folk will migrate south for the Winter but they no longer have a home base.

We met a young German couple on their honeymoon touring Western Canada. GMG forbid me from asking them about conditions back in the Fatherland as it may ruin their trip. I was only going to ask questions and offer no opinion. I guess if they were married longer she would have no qualms.

All we can do now is to continue to not comply. Mock them and just go about our business. It bothers them to no end.