Dogmeat Sings

Jagmeet Singh has ended the Liberal-NDP Pact.

But he hasn’t committed to bringing the Liberals down and going to an election.

This means he’s going to try and distance his brand from the Liberals, but may keep them in power anyway.

He’s going to try and pretend the last two and a half years never happened.

He wants you to forget that he supported extreme immigration increases, carbon tax hikes, anti-energy policies, reckless spending, and all the other damaging things Trudeau has done to this country.

Are we going to let him get away with this?

Or are we going to hold him accountable and speak the truth?

You know where I stand.

I have been calling out Jagmeet Singh’s hypocrisy for years, and that’s not going to change now.

When Singh tries to rewrite history, I will push back.

Singh is complicit in Trudeau’s failed agenda, and we can’t let Canadians forget that.

Spencer Fernando