Take your Pandemic Treaty and Shove it: 26 Republican governors say “We Will Not Comply with… One World Control Over Health

Members of the WHO gave themselves until next May to finalize a pandemic treaty after failing to agree on one last May. This statement should be the final nail in the Pandemic Treaty’s coffin.


IMHO…IF the Cretins steal this election again you will see more and more of this defiance agaist the Globalists and Deep State from this Natural Allience ….You wiill also see Red Counties in BlUe States aligning and defying everything that comes from DC..a Soft Civil War if you will

Just How Many Counties in the USA are RED you ask ?

There are about 3000 Counties in the US approx 2500 are RED

What about Defence you ask ?

How about a Huge Push for Men and Equipment for State National Guards . Where would Your Sons and Daughters enlist ? Woke Federal Millitary or Based National Guard ?

Also Volunteer Militias in all Red Counties …Vigilanty Justice and all.