KSL local MSM affiliate

A few things that stand out and worth bringing this to the Tent (hint read a few of the comments).

0) Comments have been turned off on what was formerly a headline story (rarely have I ever seen this) – the graphic of Romney is part of the ‘sale’.

1) KSL is obviously a Romney shill (mo-betta-leadership).

2) KSL heavily moderates comments that we would consider ‘point out the obvious’ – words like ‘sheeple’ are verboten, detected sarcasm will also get comments removed.

3) the vast majority of locals who still post on this site have left due to censorship – rarely do I see counter MSM opinions here.

4) And the best 2 observations of all  a) even people who usually support RINO conservatives are calling BS.  b) the vast majority of comments call out Harris for what she is and I don’t see anyone not a dei’d-in-the-wool liberal, buying the attempt of an ‘olive branch’ to the opposition as anything but utter BS.

Very encouraging indeed.