For decades, scientists have been trying to harness the power of nuclear fusion to provide the world with the clean, limitless, zero-pollution energy it so desperately needs.

The project is unimaginably challenging; however, one team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin’s Physical Sciences Laboratory may have finally figured out how to create clean, reliable, and safe nuclear energy. Their breakthrough will likely change the world as we know it.

[This discovery is] setting a world record in magnetic field strength for magnetically confined plasmas and is equipped with intense heating systems while still being a hands-on experiment for both graduate and undergraduate students.” “[The] demonstration puts the compact magnetic mirror firmly back in the race towards commercial fusion energy. It’s a giant leap forward for a concept that promises economically viable, zero-carbon heat and electricity.”


Is this similar (but more advanced) than what Tesla discovered ~100 years ago?? Didn’t they bury the Tesla discoveries because they were free to mankind while money could be made using lesser tech??