Tom Luongo Explains the exceedingly confusing German Political Construct

Listen and learn.fascinating

This was posted this morning before the Election Results

Here are the Expected Results now that the Polls are closed

Far-right Alternative For Germany party set for shock election win

It appears that Luogo’s Positive scenario has been realized

The Greens are now OUT of the Government in Both Saxony and Thuringia two Eastern German States and they have therfore lost their Veto Power in the Main Bundestag ( German Parlaiment)

What a strange System

For Decades the greens with like 6% of the support in the east and maybe 13% Nation Wide have been the controlling Party

Not anymore… based on the early results which are believed to be a lock


The Bottom line here is that in ALL European Countries the Populist Right anti Ukraine Anti Immigration Anti EU parties are winning large majorities within the multi party systems… but because of the purpously convoluted Political Power schemes they Need a Coalition partner to rule and ALL other Parties …Right Left and Centre… are beholding to the EU and refuse to co-operate with The “far right”

This is what happened in France to Lepen .

However if I understand this right In Germany the Greens have now lost their controlling Veto Vote in the Bundestag as a result of recieving less than 5% of the vote in todays elections in 2 Eastern Provinces

Lets hope…this is HUGE ! If AfDnow has the controlling veto power..this could be the end of german Support for all the Evil Policies promoted by the EU