Alberta is on pace for a record-setting year when it comes to new home builds

Between January and July of this year, construction began on nearly 26,000 new homes in the province — a jump of nearly 50 per cent from the same time frame last year, according to data from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

“This has been a record-breaking year, and we’ve had many months that are the highest number of permits or the second-highest number of permits in history,” said Lindsey Butterfield, vice president of government relations and policy with BILD Edmonton Metro.

Meanwhile :

Pending home sales in USA drop 5.5% to all-time low in July 2024 . Worse than at the depths of the 2008 GFC. These are the most bearish numbers since it began tracking sales data since 2001. YOY, transactions were down 8.5%. Pending home sales in 2024 sank in all 4 regions