Brilliant : from JC

It was easily the best political speech of 2024. It contended with the best speeches of the modern era. You cannot listen to Kennedy’s speech without being changed forever, for better or worse. The media, not surprisingly, did its best to suppress, obscure, and distract from what may become the most influential American speech in a generation. In under 50 minutes, Kennedy ripped the mask off our fraudulent political system and momentarily shredded the wool of fake normalcy that Democrats keep trying to pull over America’s eyes.

Because I strongly believe that you should listen to the man with your own ears, I won’t summarize here all the great points Kennedy touched on. But I promise that listening will encourage, empower, and enlighten you.

I’ll say this about it: Kennedy raged about America’s poor health in a way that, if people would spend five seconds thinking about it, we would throw out the entire government and start over. Science, especially medical science, has failed. Americans are fatter, sicker, and crazier than ever. We get worse health outcomes than any other developed country and even worse than much of the third world.

When will we do something about that?

Health tourism proves that what’s killing us is not capitalism. Free markets produce better, cheaper products, including medical treatments. Our real problem is liberalism and its pet, big government. The problem with science these days is that, if you cut science open, you’d find it riddled with parasitic politics and infected with virus-like strings attached to government money.

There’s almost no ‘science’ left. The failing body of science is mostly just metastasized politics.